Haiku Koo-Koo 7/29/10


Waterfalls trickle
sensing Winter’s slow reprieve
Spring flows warm freedom

Lionesses creep
through Serengeti grass with
infinite patience

Fish swim deep and dark
in latitudes of silence
Dead men tell no tales


Haiku Koo-Koo 7/22/10


We spend too much time
punching figurative clowns
not literal ones

Something’s tickling
tickling deep recesses
way back in my brain

One who remains calm
when chaos has been unleashed
will find himself ahead


Haiku Koo-Koo 7/21/10

From the river came

A lady snapping turtle

Big as a pie plate

Summer beach swimmers

Happily unaware of

Dark clouds looming near

Fence post almost lost
with ferns and grass

Barbed wire sentinel

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/20/10

Wary brown rabbit

Sneaks onto manicured lawns

Makes final touches

Tree branches bend down

To dip into cool waters

At the river’s bend

The old weathered boards

Long forgotten at roadside

Now wear fern shadows

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/19/10

One tree in the field

High lord over low grasses

Gives shade to two deer

(You can't see the deer in this picture - they're laying down)

The tallest of weeds
Grow near high telephone poles
Daring to challenge

Grey moss grows slowly
Gradually creeping up

Furry tree trunks

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/16/10

Tree’s bark envelopes

The posted barbed wire fencing

Like some punk piercing



Sunlight a spotlight
Bowing with long leafy limbs

A (green) star is born!

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/15/10

Struggling seedlings

Push aside gravel tombstones

Toward resurrection


A single tall tree

Keeping a watchful vigil

Over old farm fields


Haiku Koo-Koo 7/14/10

Golden round hay bales

July in the farmer’s field

Summertime reaping

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/12/10

Plump red and juicy

So inviting to the eye

But deadly poison

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/9/10

Climb the rock, hop-hop

Each vista is new to you

Wee baby cricket

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/8/10

Quick-stepping instant

Peripherally unsure

A lone calling card


Sharply pointed barbs

Protect the thistle’s treasure

White gossamer down


Fall is wonderful...

Crisp air... bright leaves... harvest time

Sweet apple cider!

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/7/10

Busily buzzing

Dressed in gold and black-striped fur

Bee visits flower


Deserted tree stand

Once hunters would perch on it

Now birds and squirrels

A dead leaf curls up

Slowly writhing in dryness

Becoming brittle

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/2/10

Milkweed seeds blowing

Drifting silky parachutes

Reveal the wind’s path


So shy and silent

Never wanting to frighten

Ghost crosses the road

Tiny sand-hill trails

Show the paths of wanderers

Across this desert

Haiku Koo-Koo 7/1/10

Sour persimmons

Rabbit Season! Duck Season!

You're despicable!

Self-righteous Vegans

with your misplaced compassion

Have a cheeseburger!

Suffer gladly thy

infuriating lovers

or drown without them
